Industrial Indicators

CNI Industrial Indicators are designed to identify the short-term evolution of industrial activity on a monthly basis. As a short-term survey, its importance lies in indicating the actual behavior of industrial activity through variables such as sales, employment, earnings, and capacity utilization. The survey began to be carried out in 1992 and is the result of a partnership between CNI and 12 Federations of Industry. The states included in the survey account for over 90% of Brazilian gross industrial product.


Real sales and hours worked in Brazilian industry decline in September

In the transition from August to September 2024, real sales and hours worked in production fell, while the use of installed capacity grew. Among the indicators related to the labor market, the real wage mass and the real average income recorded moderate growth in September after months alternating stronger highs and lows, while employment maintained the upward trajectory.

November 25, 2024

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