
Exibindo página 4 de 59 páginas encontradas (total: 590).

Indústria Sustentável

Indústria Sustentável /* Deixa a imagem como um "display:block" para que a centralização funcione. Os valores de margin e padding servem para a imagem ter a mesma distância até a legenda que as classes à esquerda e à direita. Note que o estilo abaixo

Programa SENAI de Ensino Médio

Programa SENAI de Ensino Médio /* Deixa a imagem como um "display:block" para que a centralização funcione. Os valores de margin e padding servem para a imagem ter a mesma distância até a legenda que as classes à esquerda e à direita. Note que o esti

Industrial Indicators

Industrial Indicators In February, two indicators directly related to industrial activity – real revenue and hours worked in production – increased compared with January, while installed capacity use and real total payroll remained stable. Real incom

Global Innovation Index

O Global Innovation Index (GII) é uma fonte de insights sobre as facetas multidimensionais do crescimento impulsionado pela inovação.

Fear Of Unemployment And Life Satisfaction

Fear Of Unemployment And Life Satisfaction : Approval of the government by performance area: education - Relative distribution of responses on the assessment of population on government policies and/or actions related to education. : Approval of the

Supporting Brazil's Future Readiness An Innovation, Technology and Talent Readiness Roadmap

Green paper with recommendations for the implementation of public and business policies focused on innovation in Brazil, considering the Innovation, Technology and Talents (ITT) triangle, based on simulations. The publication uses the unprecedented m

ICEI-Business Confidence Index

ICEI-Business Confidence Index The Industrial Entrepreneur Confidence Index (ICEI) decreased in April 2024. Despite the ICEI's decline from March to April, the industry remains confident as the ICEI is still above the 50-point dividing line, which se


Financing Why Financing? An efficient financial system is essential for ensuring that capital is efficiently allocated, that is, for capital to be productive and contribute to the country’s growth. Financing plays a fundamental role in promoting the

Small Industry Outlook

Small Industry Outlook In the first quarter of 2024, small-scale industrial entrepreneurs experienced improved activity performance, boosting expectations. However, concerns over financial deterioration, business conditions, and issues like high taxe

Natural Resources and The Enviroment

Natural Resources and The Enviroment Why Natural Resources and the Environment? The lower availability of natural resources and consequent increase in their costs have made it imperative to strive for efficiency as a priority. Added to this is an inc