
Exibindo página 8 de 9 páginas encontradas (total: 90).


Forests topo Brazil has a large forest coverage: the second largest in the world, second only to Russia. The Brazilian forest-based sector is responsible for about 3.5% of Brazil's GDP (2007), which is equivalent to US$ 37.3 billion, and for 7.3% of


CNI’s Intellectual Property Program provides a range of materials with informations about the area.


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Publications Publications 2014 CNI proposals for the 2014 elections 2016 Report on Market Access Strategies: Non-litigious WTO dispute settlement mechanisms 2016 Brazil and The United States: A Roadmap to an Enhanced Economic Partnership 2017 Innovat


Industrial Property boosts creations and stimulates technological development by granting temporary exclusivity to inventors, entrepreneurs etc.

CNI’s Program

The CNI’s Intellectual Property Program exists since 2010 and has contributed to the diffusion of the theme.


CNI is the main organization representing Brazilian industry. Its challenge is to increase the competitiveness of Brazilian industry by influencing

2012 - Wharton - EUA

Parceria do IEL com a Wharton School foi criada para oferecer excelência em capacitação empresarial para executivos brasileiros

Eficiência Energética

Eficiência Energética indústria de a - z Eficiência Energética /* Deixa a imagem como um "display:block" para que a centralização funcione. Os valores de margin e padding servem para a imagem ter a mesma distância até a legenda que as classes à esque

FIRST® LEGO® League International Open Brazil powered by SESI

FIRST® LEGO® League International Open Brazil powered by SESI