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Apostila de Excel 2013 com Virtual Vision 10

Apostila do curso de Informática do SENAI para deficientes visuais sobre Excel 2013 com software leitor de tela Virtual Vision 10

Natural Resources and The Enviroment

Natural Resources and The Enviroment Why Natural Resources and the Environment? The lower availability of natural resources and consequent increase in their costs have made it imperative to strive for efficiency as a priority. Added to this is an inc


Financing Why Financing? An efficient financial system is essential for ensuring that capital is efficiently allocated, that is, for capital to be productive and contribute to the country’s growth. Financing plays a fundamental role in promoting the


Taxation Why Taxation? Paying taxes is a major element of the social contract. However, the level of taxes, their assessment basis, the method used for calculating them and the obligations attached to them must be negotiated with society. The costs i


Education Why Education? Labor productivity is one of the main determinants of industry competitiveness. Highly educated teams and continued training can lead to more effective solutions to everyday problems, to better adapted products and production


Infrastructure Why Infrastructure? OCurrent production models are specialized in value chain stages located in different regions. For the Brazilian economy to enter these value chains, investing in energy supply, transportation logistics and telecomm

Efficiency of the State, Governance and Red Tape Reduction

Efficiency of the State, Governance and Red Tape Reduction

Industry’s vision for COP27

Industry’s vision for COP27

Mission and Vision

Mission and Vision Mission and Vision Mission Defend and represent industry through the promotion of a favorable environment for Brazil’s business, competitiveness, and sustainable development.   Vision Consolidate itself as the premier business orga

Apostila de Excel 2013 com Virtual Vision 10

Apostila de Excel 2013 com Virtual Vision 10