
Exibindo página 1 de 1 páginas encontradas (total: 9).

Efficiency of the State, Governance and Red Tape Reduction

Efficiency of the State, Governance and Red Tape Reduction

Supporting Brazil's Future Readiness An Innovation, Technology and Talent Readiness Roadmap

Supporting Brazil's Future Readiness An Innovation, Technology and Talent Readiness Roadmap

Dez/2020 - Supporting Brazil’s Future Readiness: An Innovation, Technology and Talent Readiness Roadmap - Soumitra Dutta (Portulans Institute) (PDF - 728 KB)

Dez/2020 - Supporting Brazil’s Future Readiness: An Innovation, Technology and Talent Readiness Roadmap - Soumitra Dutta (Portulans Institute) (PDF - 728 KB)

27th Climate Change Conference of the Parties | COP-27

27th Climate Change Conference of the Parties | COP-27 COP-27   The Climate Change Conference of the Parties has been promoted by the United Nations (UN) since 1995 and brings together leaders from virtually every country. The meeting is the large

27ª Conferência das Partes sobre Mudanças Climáticas (COP27) - 27ª Conferência das Partes sobre Mudanças Climáticas (COP27)

27ª Conferência das Partes sobre Mudanças Climáticas (COP27) - 27ª Conferência das Partes sobre Mudanças Climáticas (COP27) 27ª Conferência das Partes sobre Mudanças Climáticas (COP27) 27th Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP27) COP27  


Technical and vocational training and the promotion of access to employment and equity at work.

Foresight Tools

Support to technical education planning based on trends analysis and foresight in the domains of labor market and industrial technology.