
Exibindo página 5 de 28 páginas encontradas (total: 279).

Industry Strategy For a Low Carbon Economy

Industry Strategy For a Low Carbon Economy The Brazilian National Confederation of Industry (CNI) will hold the event “Industry Strategy for a Low Carbon Economy” on August 16 and 17, 2022. This event aims to promote dialogue in the business sector w

Construction Industry Survey - Janeiro/2015

Construction Industry Survey - Janeiro/2015

Construction Industry Survey - Março/2024

Construction Industry Survey - Março/2024

Construction Industry Survey - Março/2024

Construction Industry Survey - Março/2024

Innovate to Add Value 22 Innovation Cases in Micro, Small, Medium and Large-sized Enterprises

These 22 cases, a small sample of what is happening in the innovative universe in Brazilian industry, show the strength of innovation and serve as encouragement to continue in our crusade for an environment increasingly conducive to the country's com

Small Industry Outlook - Março/2024

Small Industry Outlook - Março/2024

Construction Industry Survey - Março/2024

Construction Industry Survey - Março/2024

International Services

International Services /* Deixa a imagem como um "display:block" para que a centralização funcione. Os valores de margin e padding servem para a imagem ter a mesma distância até a legenda que as classes à esquerda e à direita. Note que o estilo abaix

Investments In Industry - Agosto/2022

Investments In Industry - Agosto/2022

Pre-COP 28 Dialogue: The Role of Industry in The Climate Agenda

Pre-COP 28 Dialogue: The Role of Industry in The Climate Agenda The Brazilian National Confederation of Industry will hold the event “Pre-COP28 Dialogue: the role of industry in the climate agenda” on September 12th, 2023. The aim is to promote a pol