
Exibindo página 25 de 28 páginas encontradas (total: 279).

Compliance and Integrity Program

The implementation of the Compliance and Integrity Program is a relevant initiative of the National Confederation of Industry (CNI)

Compliance and Integrity Program

The implementation of the Compliance and Integrity Program is a relevant initiative of the National Confederation of Industry (CNI)

Preparation of Learning Materials

Flexible and innovative learning materials for technical and vocational education.

Compliance and Integrity Program

The implementation of the Compliance and Integrity Program is a relevant initiative of the National Confederation of Industry (CNI)

Compliance and Integrity Program

The implementation of the Compliance and Integrity Program is a relevant initiative of the National Confederation of Industry (CNI)

GT para Educação Profissional Tecnológica

Grupo de trabalho da MEI propõe ações para aumento da oferta de educação profissional no ensino médio

Compliance and Integrity Program

The implementation of the Compliance and Integrity Program is a relevant initiative of the National Confederation of Industry (CNI)

Engineering Projects

High-complexity solutions and development of new engineering services.

Modeling of Technical and Vocational Education

High-quality technical and vocational training connected to technological innovations and changes in the world of work.


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