
Exibindo página 3 de 6 páginas encontradas (total: 60).

Estratégia da Indústria para uma Economia de Baixo Carbono - Estratégia da Indústria para uma Economia de Baixo Carbono

Estratégia da Indústria para uma Economia de Baixo Carbono - Estratégia da Indústria para uma Economia de Baixo Carbono Estratégia da Indústria para uma Economia de Baixo Carbono Industry Strategy For a Low Carbon Economy A Confederação Nacional da

International Agenda

International Agenda topo url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Roboto:wght@500&display=swap'); /* Acordeon */ .acordeon-geral .panel-heading { background: #fff !important; border-left: 7px solid #225B84 !important; box-shadow: 0px 2px 4px rg


Publications Publications 2014 CNI proposals for the 2014 elections 2016 Report on Market Access Strategies: Non-litigious WTO dispute settlement mechanisms 2016 Brazil and The United States: A Roadmap to an Enhanced Economic Partnership 2017 Innovat

Training of Teachers and Instructors

Educators better prepared to respond to the new challenges of training for work in the industrial sector.

Training of Teachers and Instructors

Educators better prepared to respond to the new challenges of training for work in the industrial sector.


Forests topo Brazil has a large forest coverage: the second largest in the world, second only to Russia. The Brazilian forest-based sector is responsible for about 3.5% of Brazil's GDP (2007), which is equivalent to US$ 37.3 billion, and for 7.3% of

Strategic Alliances

Strategic Alliances Strategic Alliances Solution of highly complex problems, and support to innovation on the technology frontier. Strategic Alliances Speed up the solution of complex problems with strategic alliances to drive innovative, high-impact

Implementation of Vocational Training Centers

Improved infrastructure, management in technical and vocational education.

Modeling of Technical and Vocational Education

High-quality technical and vocational training connected to technological innovations and changes in the world of work.


Industrial Property boosts creations and stimulates technological development by granting temporary exclusivity to inventors, entrepreneurs etc.