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BRAZIL AND THE UNITED STATES: A Roadmap to an Enhanced Economic Partnership

BRAZIL AND THE UNITED STATES: A Roadmap to an Enhanced Economic Partnership

Diálogo Empresarial para uma Economia de Baixo Carbono - Diálogo Empresarial para uma Economia de Baixo Carbono

Diálogo Empresarial para uma Economia de Baixo Carbono - Diálogo Empresarial para uma Economia de Baixo Carbono Diálogo Empresarial para uma Economia de Baixo Carbono Business Discussion for a Low-Carbon Economy A CNI realizou, em 6 de dezembro, dura

Forum on Bioeconomy and the Brazilian Industry

Forum on Bioeconomy and the Brazilian Industry Bioeconomy is the generation of income and wealth from the development of products derived from biological resources through the use of innovative technologies. According to data from the Organization fo

27th Climate Change Conference of the Parties | COP-27

27th Climate Change Conference of the Parties | COP-27 COP-27   The Climate Change Conference of the Parties has been promoted by the United Nations (UN) since 1995 and brings together leaders from virtually every country. The meeting is the large


Contact topo Contact Contact us using the form below: Name * E-mail * Message * * Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required .redimencionamento_2696243{ width: 100%; } @media (max-width: 600px){ .p-links-hold{ display: none; } } = Home = What ME


Innovation Main Activities Innovation Why Innovation? To achieve productivity gains, companies need to invest in innovation. Improving the institutional environment and financing incentives to innovation are fundamental for an increase in competitive


40 40 SERVICO NACIONAL DE APRENDIZAGEM INDUSTRIAL CONSELHO REGIONAL DO SENAI DO PARANA RESOLUCAO SENAICR SENAI/PR N° 040/2019 O Conselho Regional do Servico Nacional de Aprendizagem Industrial SENAIdo Parana,de acordo com 0 artigo 20 da Lei n° 12.513

Dez/2020 - Supporting Brazil’s Future Readiness: An Innovation, Technology and Talent Readiness Roadmap - Soumitra Dutta (Portulans Institute) (PDF - 728 KB)

Dez/2020 - Supporting Brazil’s Future Readiness: An Innovation, Technology and Talent Readiness Roadmap - Soumitra Dutta (Portulans Institute) (PDF - 728 KB)


Competitiveness Main Activities Competitiveness Why Competitiveness? Competitiveness is an essential factor in Brazil’s evolution, and should be society’s number one priority, being structured by a model of governance led by Brazil’s president.


Infrastructure Main Activities Infrastructure Why Infrastructure? Improving infrastructure is fundamental for the private sector’s competitiveness. An adequate network of transportation, as well as availability of electricity and broadband internet w