
Exibindo página 10 de 13 páginas encontradas (total: 124).


Since 1883, specific laws, agreements, conventions, treaties and organizations which deal with the rights of intellectual property have been established.


Specials, interviews, articles and more about Intellectual Property.


CNI is the main organization representing Brazilian industry. Its challenge is to increase the competitiveness of Brazilian industry by influencing

Climate change

Climate change topo CLIMATE CHANGE The climate change agenda has left the strictly environmental sphere and now directly influences economic competitiveness The climate change agenda has left the strictly environmental sphere and now directly influen


Forests topo Brazil has a large forest coverage: the second largest in the world, second only to Russia. The Brazilian forest-based sector is responsible for about 3.5% of Brazil's GDP (2007), which is equivalent to US$ 37.3 billion, and for 7.3% of

Water security

Water security topo The Brazilian industry is using water in an increasingly efficient way in the production processes, investing in water recirculation, adaptive catchment systems, and in the use of treated effluents from domestic wastewater (reuse)


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About CNI

About CNI The National Industry Confederation (CNI) is the main representative of the Brazilian industry. It is the highest body of the industry trade union system and, since its foundation in 1938, it has defended the interests of the national indus

FIRST® LEGO® League International Open Brazil powered by SESI

FIRST® LEGO® League International Open Brazil powered by SESI

Ampliar o Acesso aos Mercados Externos para os Bens, Serviços e Investimentos Brasileiros

Ampliar o Acesso aos Mercados Externos para os Bens, Serviços e Investimentos Brasileiros @media (max-width: 600px){ .p-links-hold{ display: none; } } = Home = O que é = Fatores-chave Eficiência do Estado, Governança e desburocratização Ambiente Macr