
The EU-Mercosur Agreement – A Unique Opportunity to Foster Trade and Sustainable Development

O Acordo Mercosul-União Europeia é o mais abrangente já assinado pelo Brasil e pelo Mercosul, sendo um dos mais avançados em termos de regras sobre comércio e sustentabilidade. Por outro lado, o Brasil é líder mundial na agenda internacional de sustentabilidade e possui 62% de sua vegetação nativa conservada, bem como uma matriz energética 43% renovável. Nesse sentido, a CNI, juntamente com 8 entidades empresariais, lança essa Cartilha para destacar a importância do Acordo para o avanço do tema de desenvolvimento sustentável. O Acordo representa uma oportunidade única para as partes e os setores privados aprimorarem suas normas e de impulsionarem a cooperação existente. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The EU-Mercosur Agreement is the most comprehensive treaty ever signed by Brazil and Mercosur, being one of the most advanced in terms of rules regarding trade and sustainability. In addition, Brazil is a global leader in the international agenda on sustainability, and the country has 62% of its native vegetation conserved, besides an energy matrix that is 43% renewable. In this sense, CNI, together with 8 business associations, releases this document to highlight the importance of the Agreement to advance the sustainable development agenda. The Agreement represents a unique opportunity to the Parties and the private sector to foster their regulations and cooperation.


Factsheet 1. Executive Summary

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Factsheet 2. The Agreement's Rules o...

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Factsheet 3.1 Land Use, Native Veget...

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Factsheet 3.2 Brazilian Policy on Cl...

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Factsheet 3.3 Agricultural Productiv...

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Factsheet 4. Renewable Energy: Brazi...

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Factsheet 5. Sustainable Supply Chains

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Factsheet 6. Brazil and Labor Standa...

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The EU-Mercosur Agreement – A Unique...

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Estudos e prospectivas