
Exibindo página 2 de 5 páginas encontradas (total: 44).

Efficiency of the State, Governance and Red Tape Reduction

Efficiency of the State, Governance and Red Tape Reduction


Downloads /* Deixa a imagem como um "display:block" para que a centralização funcione. Os valores de margin e padding servem para a imagem ter a mesma distância até a legenda que as classes à esquerda e à direita. Note que o estilo abaixo só funciona

Strategy Map for Industry

Strategy Map for Industry

Strategy Map for Industry

This new version of the Strategy Map for Industry identifies the biggest challenges to be addressed by industry by 2022 as a result of changes in the global and domestic economic environment over the past five years.

Opportunities and challenges for offshore wind power production in Brazil and the production of low carbon hydrogen

In this study, the Brazilian Confederation of Industry presents a piece with great potential in the Industry Strategy for a Low Carbon Economy. Brazil has a great opportunity to exploit its wind potential on offshore platforms, with the possibility o

Industry Strategy For a Low Carbon Economy

Industry Strategy For a Low Carbon Economy The Brazilian National Confederation of Industry (CNI) will hold the event “Industry Strategy for a Low Carbon Economy” on August 16 and 17, 2022. This event aims to promote dialogue in the business sector w

Strategy to Support a Low Carbon Economy

Strategy to Support a Low Carbon Economy

CNI - Strategy to Support a Low Carbon Economy (2,5 MB)

CNI - Strategy to Support a Low Carbon Economy (2,5 MB)

CNI - Strategy to Support a Low Carbon Economy 2 (PDF 6,2 MB)

CNI - Strategy to Support a Low Carbon Economy 2 (PDF 6,2 MB)

27th Climate Change Conference of the Parties | COP-27

27th Climate Change Conference of the Parties | COP-27 COP-27   The Climate Change Conference of the Parties has been promoted by the United Nations (UN) since 1995 and brings together leaders from virtually every country. The meeting is the large