
Exibindo página 2 de 7 páginas encontradas (total: 63).

Labor Relations

Labor Relations Why Labor Relations? The rules governing the relations between workers and employers play a key role in ensuring a functional labor market. They must be clear and easy to understand, so that companies and workers can be certain about

Economic Report

Economic Report

Brazil-Japan: Roadmap for an Economic Partnership Agreement Between Japan and Mercosur

The report consists of an overview of recent economic relations between Japan and Mercosur (Chapter 2), issues to be addressed in the EPA (Chapter 3), and conclusions and recommendations (Chapter 4).

Strategy Map for Industry

This new version of the Strategy Map for Industry identifies the biggest challenges to be addressed by industry by 2022 as a result of changes in the global and domestic economic environment over the past five years.

Circular Economy Strategic Path For Brazilian Industry

The circular economy is based on improving the utilization of natural resources, avoiding waste and reducing the need to dispose of it. It can be applied on any scale to individuals, organizations, cities, etc. By proposing challenges for producing g

Briefing Diplomático - 19º Briefing Diplomático

Briefing Diplomático - 19º Briefing Diplomático 19º Briefing Diplomático 19th CNI Diplomatic Briefing A Confederação Nacional da Indústria (CNI) realizou a 19ª Edição do Briefing Diplomático, em 30 de junho de 2023. Em sua 19ª edição, os represe

Brazil-Japan: Roadmap for an Economic Partnership Agreement Between Japan and Mercosur

Brazil-Japan: Roadmap for an Economic Partnership Agreement Between Japan and Mercosur

BRAZIL AND THE UNITED STATES: A Roadmap to an Enhanced Economic Partnership

BRAZIL AND THE UNITED STATES: A Roadmap to an Enhanced Economic Partnership

Apresentação Flávio Castelo Branco - Economic Overview and Social Security Reform (PDF 2,8 MB)

Apresentação Flávio Castelo Branco - Economic Overview and Social Security Reform (PDF 2,8 MB)

Social Responsibility

Social Responsibility Main Activities Social Responsibility Why Social Responsibility? Social responsibility is key for the development of society. We emphasize our commitment to ethics, sustainable development, and community wellbeing, thereby gener