
Exibindo página 5 de 10 páginas encontradas (total: 98).

Liderança Estratégica e Inovadora na Era Digital - Cornell University

Conheça o programa Liderança Estratégica e Inovadora na Era Digital, oferecido em parceria com a SC Johnson College of Business (Cornell University).

Foresight Tools

Support to technical education planning based on trends analysis and foresight in the domains of labor market and industrial technology.

2014- Steinbeis - SC

O Programa Internacional de Educação Executiva do IEL/SC chega a sua 3º edição. O nosso foco é desmistificar o processo da Gestão da Inovação


O Torneio de Robótica conta com alguns Realizadores: SESI, FIRST® e LEGO® Education. Clique e se informe sobre cada um deles!

2013 - MCGILL - RS

O programa foi desenhado por Henry Mintzberg, renomado professor na Universidade McGill e coordenador de programas avançados de educação executiva

DBWT - German-Brazilian Economic Meeting 2021

DBWT - German-Brazilian Economic Meeting 2021 DBWT - German-Brazilian Economic Meeting – Edition 2021 (digital edition) The Brazilian National Confederation of Industry (CNI) and the Federation of German Industries (BDI) held on Monday, October 18th,

Online Educational Technologies

New Distance Learning tools to expand access to high-quality technical and vocational training.

Training of Teachers and Instructors

Educators better prepared to respond to the new challenges of training for work in the industrial sector.

Empowerment of Managers in Technical and Vocational Education

New standards of education management at the service of technical and vocational education.


Technical and vocational training and the promotion of access to employment and equity at work.