
Exibindo página 4 de 5 páginas encontradas (total: 44).

Professional Certification

Certification of workers’ experience and more efficient use of human resources for the industrial sector.

Foresight Tools

Support to technical education planning based on trends analysis and foresight in the domains of labor market and industrial technology.

Productive Industry +

Higher productivity for small and medium-sized companies with swift and cost-effective interventions.

Digital Teacher +

Training of educators to use new educational technologies.

Large-Scale Performance Assessment

Large-Scale Performance Assessment Large-Scale Performance Assessment New large-scale assessment techniques to assess performance in technical and vocational training courses. Large-Scale Performance Assessment Use new tools to assess students in tec

Implementation of Vocational Training Centers

Improved infrastructure, management in technical and vocational education.

Energy Efficiency

Lower energy costs and resource savings for small and medium-sized companies.

O que é inovação? Definição, importância e as ações que têm impulsionado a inovação no Brasil

Inovar vai muito além do desenvolvimento de novos produtos ou serviços. A inovação se tornou imperativo para qualquer tipo de negócio e é capaz de impulsio

Inovação na indústria

Inovação na indústria @media (max-width: 600px){ .p-links-hold{ display: none; } } = Home = O que é = Fatores-chave Eficiência do Estado, Governança e desburocratização Ambiente Macroeconômico Segurança jurídica Recursos Naturais e Meio Ambiente Fina

Online Educational Technologies

New Distance Learning tools to expand access to high-quality technical and vocational training.