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SENAI operates through a system of normative units and decentralized power. To execute its initiatives, normative bodies and national and regional administrative bodies are created under the supervision of CNI and the Federations of Industries. Among the collegiates are delegates from the Ministries of Education, and Labor, Work and Social Security, as well as labor unions representatives. 

The normative organs are the National Council, which has jurisdiction over the whole country, and the Regional Councils, which have jurisdictions over each respective federative unit. 

SENAI’s highest administrative body, the National Council, is presided by the President of CNI and composed of presidents of the Regional Councils, who are also the presidents of the state-level and Federal District Federations of Industries. SENAI National’s director-general, representatives of the Ministries of Education, and of Labor, Work and Social Security, and six representatives from labor unions are also part of this Council. 

The National Council establishes the industrial learning guidelines of the national and regional administrations, creates the budget, approves the accounts of the national and regional departments, authorizes agreements and treaties with international technical assistance bodies, and establishes professional training policies. 

National Department – SENAI’s National Department performs studies and research about the country’s workforce, coordinates actions of the regional departments regarding national programs, standardizes teaching programs and materials, promotes budgetary and accounting education, and consolidates reports and statistics. To fulfill these functions, the National Department is organized in two areas: Professional Education and Technology Unit and Innovation and Technology Unit.